eVAC-U thrombus management education logo

Welcome to the AlphaVac Multipurpose Mechanical Aspiration System module produced by AngioDynamics and The Clinician Exchange. We thank you for choosing the eVAC-U training module as your source of product education.

Welcome to the AlphaVac Multipurpose Mechanical Aspiration System module produced by AngioDynamics and The Clinician Exchange. We thank you for choosing the eVAC-U training module as your source of product education.

This education platform for the AlphaVac system will allow you to:

  • Familiarize yourself with disease states and Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) procedures

  • Comprehend the AlphaVac System product overview including features and benefits

  • Understand procedural workflow of the AlphaVac System

To get started, contact your local AngioDynamics partner for login information.